George, H. Doreen ; Ishibie, Charity I.; & Gilbert, Christian U. Ph.d
This is a survey carried out to ascertain the extent to which teaching method, teachers’ and students’ attitude as well as their motivation affect teaching and learning of Literature in English and hence students’ academic performance in the subject. Data for the research was obtained by means of
structured questionnaire administered on one hundred and twenty respondents randomly drawn from ten secondary schools in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni local government area of Rivers State ONELGA. Data obtained was computed into frequency and analyzed by statistical mean. Results of data analysis showed that mean values for all items raised in the questionnaire were above 2.5 and hence accepted as being significant for the factor under consideration. It was therefore concluded that lack of adequate qualified teachers, negative and unfriendly attitude of teachers to the teaching profession
and students as well as poor teaching methods and motivation were identified as problems of teaching Literature in- English in secondary schools to a large extent in ONELGA. From the foregoing, it was recommended that among others, Government should motivate teachers to enroll for further training;
instructional materials should be provided for the teachers and students. Also, teachers should develop good cordial relationship with their students to enhance teaching and learning well as adopt the best teaching method that will meet the students’ needs.
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