ORIE, M. J. Ph.D
Education system round the world is under increasing pressure to use the information and
communication technologies to teach the students the knowledge and skills they need in the
21stcentury. Nigerian Government is on the wrong side of the international digital divide, as it has
not made adequate effort to integrate ICT into the secondary schools’ curriculum. The paper
therefore, examines the challenges confronting proper integration of ICT into secondary school
education in Nigeria. The identified financial constrain, standardization of computer equipment
as well as adequate manpower as the major challenges to the integration of ICT in Secondary
Education. The paper recommends that government should employ the proper integration of ICT
in the School Curriculum to adhere to the UNESCO objectives.
Improving the quality of education through diversification of content and methods, and
promoting experiments, innovations, the diffusion and sharing of information and best practices
as well as policy dialogue are UNESCO’s strategic objectives in Education [UNESCO 2002].
This is because information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become key tools and
had a revolutionary impact of how we see the world and how we live. Information and
communication technologies (ICTs) are major factors in shaping the new global economy and
producing rapid changes in society as well as educational methodology. (Mac-Ikemenjima
2005). Educational system around the world are under increasing pressures to use new
information and communication technology (ICT) to teach students the knowledge and skills
they need in the 21st century. The role of ICT in teaching and learning process is becoming one of
the most important and widely discussed issues in the contemporary education policy. Most
experts in the field of education agreed that when properly used, information and communication
hold great promise to improve teaching and learning as well as the shaping workforce
opportunities [Rosen and Well 1995]. Poole (1996) has indicated that computer illiteracy is now
regarded as the new illiteracy. This has actually gingered a new and strong desire to equip schools
with computer facilities and qualified personnel necessary to produce technological proficient
and efficient students in developed countries of the world. UNESCO World Education Report
(2002), describes the radical implications the new ICTs have for conventional teaching and
learning. According to the report, ICTs, have predicted the transformation of the teaching
learning process and the way teachers and learners gain access to knowledge and information
such as:…

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